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How to Make Cars More Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

Nearly 96 million automobiles were produced worldwide in 2018, and while the global auto industry sales are projected to decrease, the vast amount of production of durable goods begs the question of how to deal with nearly 57.1 million tons of this type of waste per year.

Reducing your own carbon footprint and becoming more eco-friendly in regards to your vehicle consists of a variety of choices that range from economic investments to everyday behaviors. Investment choices such as purchasing a manufactured eco-friendly vehicle, performing routine maintenance and emissions testing, or purchasing recycled auto parts or motor oil all play a role in making your vehicle and transportation more green. Learning behaviors such as properly filling your gas tank and tire air, or perhaps reducing the use of your AC, can all make a difference in making your vehicle more eco-friendly.

What Is an Eco-Friendly Vehicle?
An eco-friendly vehicle is one that is designed or enhanced with an emphasis on reducing pollution and waste. This may include changing the energy source of the vehicle or utilizing recycled materials to manufacture the vehicle. The benefits of eco-friendly cars may include:

  • A reduction of gas and fossil fuel usage that reduces carbon dioxide production and dependence on foreign oil.
  • A tax break for driving a green car.
  • Saving money from reduced fuel needs, tax breaks, and oftentimes, less need for maintenance and repair.
  • Leading by example and using your purchasing power to show manufacturers the wants and needs of consumers.

Importance of Eco-Friendly Vehicles

The United States is the second greatest contributor to CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, with 29% of the U.S. sources of greenhouse gas emissions generated from transportation — primarily from burning fossil fuels for cars, trucks, ships, trains, and planes. U.S. net emissions are declining due to a variety of factors that include shifting from coal and natural gas to renewable energy sources, and a leveling of the electric demand.

Improved vehicle efficiency has helped to reduce transportation-related emissions by nearly 6%, though transportation emissions in total have been increasing in total since 2012. Carbon dioxide is the largest percentage of greenhouse gas emitted by the United States, with transportation as the largest contributor. The U.S. has a large percentage of car ownership in households, with nearly 88% of households owning at least one operational vehicle. Finding solutions for everyday American families, such as utilizing eco-friendly cars or eco-friendly vehicle practices, can provide a solution for Americans to participate in the reduction of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.

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